シンプルでクラシックなスタイルながらそのサイズ感やボリューム、そして ぶ厚くシルバーコートし、白く輝かせる事でモダンクラシックに昇華させたチェーンブレスレット。
While simple and classic in style The size and volume of the bracelet, as well as its thick silver coating, make it shine in white. The chain bracelets are sublimated to a modern classic style.
These timeless chain bracelets are simple and timeless with a twist that is not influenced by trends. The stylish looks and materials of these timeless chain bracelets match both casual and dressy outfits.
素材(Material) : Chain : Silver Plated Brass , Charm : Silver , Parts : Silver Plated Alloy
サイズ(Size) : 約20.5cm
品番(Item No) : HYJK-432